In a nature there are natural means of a lcare behind a skin, which, it appears, it is much more effective than any expensive cosmetics. As a rule, the skin suffers from pernicious action of free radicals more often.
Flower antioxidants - natural or organic enzymes, which counteract destructive effects of oxidation of fabrics. They are vitally necessary for health and beauty of a skin as suppress free radicals, which methodically and ruthlessly "«kill" our skin.
Many prestigious manufacturers of natural means of a care behind a skin create production on the basis of an extract of red tea from Southern Africa and Peptides. The scientists convincingly have proved, that these natural elements for a care of a skin are capable to stimulate development collagen (fiber making white fibres of a skin), which saves health of a skin and natural image prevents its(her) aging.
Such components, as ginseng, the sea seaweed, ginkgo, alongside with grassy medicinal components helps a skin to look magnificent, freshen and updated. Besides natural vitamins, aminoacids and the minerals enrich with a skin from within. Piteraniacin - one more vital natural component necessary for appearance of a skin, which supports balanced reproductive function of a crate of a skin.
At hit on a skin Piteraniacin will penetrate directly deep into skin and enriches by its(her) useful elements in the necessary proportion, and also humidifies the bottom layer of a skin.
Importance of water for a care of a skin
This natural humidifying component supports the appropriate level of humidifying the inner lining of a skin, reducing traces acne of a rash and freckle. Water - most important natural component necessary for health of a skin. The effect of water impossible is to compared to action of any other means - with she as though "«bathes" crates of a skin and washes off all harmful toxins.
The common norm of consumption of water recommended National Advice(council) of Researches of USA (National Research Council), should make 1 milliliter of water on a calorie. It means, that the consumption 1000 calories should be counterbalanced 1000 ml of water - very simple mathematical decision for a care of a skin. To supply a skin with a necessary moisture, it is necessary to drink many fruit juices, tea, green tea, sparkling water, iced tea and others soft drinks.
In traditional Chinese medicine it is accepted to count, that the cold drinks break harmony of power flows in organism. To this conclusion there came also modern scientists, therefore we recommend to drink warm water or water of room temperature. Despite of a variety of natural means of a care behind a skin, the effect of any of them can not be compared to tremendous action on a skin of stale water.