Monday, May 10, 2010

Mask protective of Cleopatra - facial receipt of mask adapted to a queen

Mask protective of Cleopatra

The Egyptian Queen ancient Cléopâtre had the practice this mask to maintain her beauty:


Honey 1 spoonful with coffee
Milk 1 tablespoonful
Egg white of 1 egg
If you employ dried milk, to calculate the percentage of water.


To mix all the ingredients and to apply them to your face.
To leave during 20 minutes (you can change the period to satisfy your requirements).
To wash the face using tepid water.

Thank you Waheed!

Each receipt of skin that I found to imply the name of Cléopâtre has while one of the principal ingredients milk. The bath of the milk of Cléopâtre is a perfect example of this.

Milk is extremely salutary with the skin. Its acids, lactic acid in particular, help to dissolve the dead epithelial cells and to help the skin to absorb the food. To add to that the vitamins has and E also found in milk, and have you an ingredient which provides multiple effects.

The proteins contained out of milk, smooth the skin, and the enzymes help its renovation. Container of milk a high percent of fat contents of milk is a good manners to enter while helping the renewal of skin dries its moisture.

Note! In general, if you are allergic to milk or intolerant with lactose, not to employ it

1 comments: said...

Well this is something i think is the best recipe in the world specially i believe natural ingredients are the best to have for your health and skin.